Easter! I have to say this was a super hard holiday for Dwight and I, we are use to being with family riding dirt bikes and four wheelers and surrounded by family and yummy food. We had none of that this year and it really made us miss home. But we mad the best of it and had a fun little easter with just the kids!! OH i forgot to mention Lucy got super sick the night before and puked all day and for the next 3 days, it was so sad!
Maverick meeting the Easter bunny at the Eggstravaganza!
Maverick had a blast making his MONSTER eggs ( thank you grammy Tammi) he was so proud of himself!
we got Kittens!! Meet Shake & Bake!
We finally watched Dwight jump. This was his 5th or 6th jump here but ive missed them, but hey we finally made it and it was awesome, sometimes i still can't believe that my hubby does this for his job!!!
Maverick graduated from Preschool! He looked so cute in his hat, He was so excited to wear it, "mom, mom I look like High School Musical"! love that kid!
Lucy turned 1 (hurray) and My mom, step dad Dean and Jaxson came to visit! it was a great week. We went to the Georgia Aquarium, went out to lunch, went swimming and had a blast just talking. Were so glad they came out to visit!
Lucy took her first steps! And she never looked back, she never crawled again :)